How to Extract Sound from Videos

Imagine you’ve got a video and you just love the sound that’s part of it. Maybe it’s the background music, or perhaps it’s someone speaking. Wouldn’t it be neat if you could separate the sound from the video?

Good news! You can do exactly that. This handy guide will show you simple ways to pull sound from videos stored on your computer, found on YouTube, or saved on your phone.

how to extract sound from videos

How to Extract Sound from Videos Saved on Your PC

First off, let’s talk about videos you’ve already got saved on your computer. You can use a handy program called VLC Media Player to turn the video into an audio file. Here’s how:

Try VLC Media Player

  1. Open VLC Media Player. You’ll find it on your list of programs.
  2. At the top, click ‘Media’, then select ‘Convert/Save’.
  3. A new window called ‘Open Media’ will pop up.
  4. Click the ‘Add’ button and look for the video file you want.
  5. After you’ve chosen the file, click ‘Convert/Save’.
  6. A new window named ‘Convert’ will appear.
  7. Look for the ‘Profile’ dropdown menu. Here, you can pick ‘Audio – MP3’ or ‘Audio – AAC’.
  8. Choose where you want the new audio file to be saved on your computer and what you want to name it.
  9. Click ‘Start’ to begin the process.

How to Extract Sound from YouTube Videos

YouTube is a great place to find videos. But what if you want just the sound from one of those videos? There are websites designed to help you convert YouTube to MP3 Audio (or other audio formats).

Try an Online YouTube Converter

  1. Visit a trusted converter website like YTMP3 or 320ytmp3.
  2. Copy the link to the YouTube video you want to convert.
  3. Paste the link into the correct spot on the converter website.
  4. Make sure you’ve chosen the ‘mp3’ format.
  5. Click ‘Convert’.
  6. The website will get to work turning your video into an audio file.
  7. When it’s done, you can download the new audio file to your device.

How to Extract Sound from Facebook Videos

To extract audio from a Facebook video, the first thing you need to do is to download the video to your computer. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Facebook video you wish to extract audio from.
  2. Right-click on the video and select ‘Show video URL’.
  3. Copy the URL and paste it in a new tab.
  4. Replace the ‘www’ in the URL with ‘mbasic’ and press Enter. You’ll be redirected to the mobile version of Facebook.
  5. Right-click on the video and select ‘Save video as’. Choose a destination to save the video on your computer.

After downloading the video, proceed to extract the sound from it using VLC Media Player as explained above (if you’ve saved the video on your PC). But if the video is saved on your smartphone, extract the audio using the method explained below.

How to Extract Sound from Videos Saved on Your Smartphone

If you’ve got videos saved on your phone that you want to turn into audio files, you can use special apps to do that.

Try a Mobile App

  1. Find an app like ‘Video to MP3 Converter’ (for Android) or ‘Video to Audio Converter’ (for iOS) in your app store.
  2. Download and open the app.
  3. Find the video in your gallery that you want to turn into an audio file.
  4. Choose the audio format you prefer, usually MP3 or AAC.
  5. Set your preferences for audio quality.
  6. Tap ‘Convert’.
  7. The app will get rid of the video part and save a new audio file to your device.


Q: Can I turn a video into an audio file without downloading anything?

A: Yes, you can. Websites like ‘Online Video Converter’ or ‘’ can help with that. You upload your video to the website, and it turns it into an audio file for you.

Q: Is it okay to do this with any video?

A: It’s okay to do this for your own use, like listening to a speech or song. But, if you plan to use the audio in something you’re making to share or sell, you need to make sure you have the right permissions to avoid copyright problems.

Q: Can I do this with any video format?

A: Most video formats will work with these methods. But, if you find one that doesn’t, you may need to use a video converter to change it to a different format first.

Wrapping Up

With these easy steps, you can take the sound from any video and save it as its own audio file. Whether you’re using your computer, finding videos on YouTube, or using your phone, it’s a simple process. So go ahead, give it a try, and enjoy your new audio files.


  • Lawrence Munson

    I'm Lawrence Munson, a tech blogger and audio enthusiast. is where I share my thoughts and findings on the latest audio gear such as earphones, soundbars, subwoofers, equalizers, etc. I love to test new products to help my readers understand and enjoy their devices better, and I'm always eager to share my knowledge about audio technology and how it works.