Best Audio Settings for Razer Kaira Pro

The Razer Kaira Pro is considered one of the best gaming headsets for the Xbox Series X/S and mobile gaming, however, if there you know anything about gaming, you would know that a gaming headset is only as good as its settings. 

Having the right audio settings for your gaming or listening sessions determines just how enjoyable your entire experience would be. That’s why in this guide, we will into details on how to tweak your Razer Kaira Pro audio settings to get the best audio performance 

Best Audio Settings for Razer Kaira Pro

best settings for razer kaira pro

Step 1: Connecting and Setting up the Razer Kaira Pro

Before we go into the audio settings, you would want to ensure that the headset is properly set up. To do this, connect the Razer Kaira Pro to your gaming device (PC, Xbox, or mobile) using the USB-C wireless dongle or 3.5mm audio cable. Once connected, turn on the headset and ensure it is paired with your device.

Step 2: Razer Synapse for Xbox or Razer Windows App

To customize the audio settings of your Razer Kaira Pro, you have two options depending on type of device you’re connected to. For Xbox users, you can customize the audio settings using the Razer Synapse for Xbox app. PC gamers would have to go for the Razer Windows App. Both applications allow you to adjust and customize the audio settings for a more personalized experience.

Step 3: Equalizer Settings

The equalizer settings are where most of the magic. With several tweaks you can the tailor audio output to your preferences. Below is a sample of an equalizer configuration you should expect to see on your Razer Kaira Pro

  • Bass Boost: The bass boost feature is just as the name implies. It enhances low-frequency sounds, so you can expect a deeper and richer bass response. When you get this feature, you might want to stick to a moderate setting to make the best of this configuration. 
  • Treble Boost: The treble boost configuration is aimed to delivering crisper and clearer audio. It does this by enhancing high-frequency sounds.  With tweaking this setting, you should increase it for better dialogue and also make subtle in-game details more pronounced.
  • Vocal Boost: The mid-range frequencies can be adjusted using the vocal boost feature. This would improve your vocals and dialogues. With this setting, you can improve the clarity of in-game conversations, making it easier to communicate with teammates or follow the storyline.

Step 4: Virtual Surround Sound

The virtual surround sound is a high-end feature only found in leading gaming headsets like the Razer Kaira Pro. This virtual surround sound creates 360-degree audio which further boosts your gaming experience. 

With the virtual surround sound feature in play, you can expect a boost in your spatial awareness in games. This allows you to pinpoint enemy locations more accurately. 

Step 5: Mic Monitoring and Mic Quality

The Razer Kaira Pro comes with a retractable hyperclear cardioid microphone that ensures clear communication, which comes in handy when you’re playing multiplier games. 

You can adjust the mic settings to ensure optimum clarity when speaking. You can also enable mic monitoring. This feature allows you to hear your own voice through the headset, preventing you from unintentionally shouting. 

Step 6: Customizing Game-Specific Profiles

Both the Razer Synapse for Xbox and Razer Windows App allow you to create and save custom audio profiles for different games. When making customizations, you should ensure to keep the audio settings for each game separate, so you can superb audio quality across both platforms.


Following this guide you should be able to find the best settings for your Razer Kaira Pro. While customizing you options, you should try out different settings on every game you play. This should help you find the sweet spot that ensures for the best audio experience. 


  • Lawrence Munson

    I'm Lawrence Munson, a tech blogger and audio enthusiast. is where I share my thoughts and findings on the latest audio gear such as earphones, soundbars, subwoofers, equalizers, etc. I love to test new products to help my readers understand and enjoy their devices better, and I'm always eager to share my knowledge about audio technology and how it works.