Corsair Virtuoso EQ Settings Guide

The Corsair Virtuoso headset comes packed with massive audio potential and if you’re looking to unlock this full potential, you’re in the right place.

In this in-depth guide, we’ll walk you through the various EQ settings available on the Corsair Virtuoso headset, and provide you with detailed instructions on how to adjust them for the best audio performance.

corsair virtuoso eq settings

A Brief on the Corsair Virtuoso

Before we get right into the EQ settings, let’s quickly go over some basic information about the Corsair Virtuoso headset. The Corsair Virtuoso is a premium wireless gaming headset for listeners that are looking for high-fidelity audio and exceptional comfort for long gaming sessions.

Like all top options on the market, it flaunts a built-in equalizer (EQ) that allows you to fine-tune the audio output to suit your preferences and optimize your gaming experience.

How to Adjust Corsair Virtuoso Headset EQ Settings 

Now, let’s get started with the EQ settings on the Corsair Virtuoso headset. To access the EQ settings, you’ll need to use the Corsair iCUE software. You can find it to download on the Corsair website. When you’re done installing the software and connecting it to your Virtuoso headset and your PC or console, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Corsair iCUE software 

Launch the Corsair iCUE software on your PC or console. 

Step 2: Connect your Virtuoso headset 

Check and confirm that sure your Virtuoso headset is connected to your PC or console via the wireless dongle or USB cable. Also, confirm that it is turned on.

Step 3: Access the EQ settings 

In the Corsair iCUE software, navigate to the “Audio” tab, and then click on the “Equalizer” option in the left-hand menu. This will open the EQ settings for your Virtuoso headset.

Step 4: Understand the EQ settings 

With the EQ settings, you can adjust the audio output across different frequency bands. 

You will find five adjustable frequency bands, each representing a range of frequencies: 31 Hz (bass), 62 Hz (lower midrange), 125 Hz (midrange), 250 Hz (upper midrange), and 500 Hz (treble). You can tweak the audio output for each frequency band when you drag the sliders up or down.

Step 5: Adjust the EQ settings 

Now that you understand the different frequency bands, you can start adjusting the EQ settings to your preference. Here are some tips for adjusting each frequency band:

  • Bass (31 Hz): If you want more bass in your audio, you can increase the slider for this frequency band. This can be useful for gaming or listening to music genres that heavily rely on bass, such as electronic or hip-hop.
  • Lower Midrange (62 Hz): This frequency band affects the lower end of the midrange, like your vocals and instruments like guitars and pianos..
  • Midrange (125 Hz): The midrange is where most of the vocals and instruments sit in the audio spectrum.
  • Upper Midrange (250 Hz): This frequency band affects the upper end of the midrange, which includes the higher-pitched instruments like violins or cymbals..
  • Treble (500 Hz): The treble is the highest frequency range in the audio spectrum, and it affects the clarity and detail of the audio.

Step 6: Experiment and fine-tune 

Once you have a basic understanding of how each frequency band affects the audio, you can go ahead to experiment with the EQ settings as you want. It is best to start with a flat EQ, where all the sliders are set to the default position. 

After that, you can start making small adjustments to each frequency band to find the balance that sounds best to you. While making adjustments, listen to different types of audio, such as music, games, and movies, to ensure that the EQ settings work well across different scenarios.

Step 7: Save and apply your settings 

When you’ve achieved your preferred EQ settings, go ahead to save and apply them to the headset. 

In the Corsair iCUE software, you can create custom EQ presets and save them for easy access in the future. You can also assign different EQ presets to specific applications or games, so that your Virtuoso headset automatically switches to the appropriate EQ settings when you launch a particular program.

Step 8: Test and adjust as needed 

To get the best sound, always test the EQ settings in various audio scenarios, such as gaming sessions, music playback, and movie watching. This ensures that they meet your expectations. 

Best Corsair Virtuoso EQ Settings for Warzone

  • Bass Booster: Turn up that bass to feel those explosions and gunfire rumble in your chest. Set the bass to around 60% for a nice punchy effect without overpowering other sounds.
  • FPS Enhancer: Boost those mid and high frequencies to enhance the footsteps and gunshots. Try setting the mids to around 50% and the highs to around 40% to make those footsteps crystal clear and gunshots sharp.
  • Spatial Awareness: Turn on the virtual surround sound feature for an immersive gaming experience. Set it to “Gamer” mode for a wide soundstage that helps you pinpoint enemy locations.
  • Voice Focus: If you play with friends, this setting is a must. Boost the vocal frequencies to make your teammates’ voices stand out. Set it to around 70% to ensure clear communication during intense battles.
  • Customize Your Mix: Customize your own EQ preset by fine-tuning the settings to your preference. Experiment with different combinations of bass, mids, and highs to find the sweet spot that matches your playstyle.

Best Corsair Virtuoso EQ Settings for Music

Step 1: Setting the Stage 

First things first, let’s launch the Corsair iCUE software and find the EQ settings. Once you’re in the iCUE dashboard, navigate to the “Equalizer” tab. You’ll see a graph with sliders representing different frequency bands that you can adjust. It’s like having your own music mixing studio right at your fingertips!

Step 2: Bass that Booms 

Let’s start by giving that bass some oomph! Slide up the low-frequency band (usually around 60 Hz) to around +3 or +4 dB. This will give your music that satisfying thump that’ll make your heart skip a beat.

Step 3: Crystal Clear Mids 

Next up, let’s make those mids shine. The mid-frequency band (usually around 1 kHz) is where the vocals and instruments like guitars and pianos live. Slide this band up by about +2 or +3 dB to add clarity and warmth to your music. You’ll feel like you’re right there in the front row of your favorite concert!

Step 4: Sparkling Highs 

Now let’s add some sparkle to the higher frequencies. Slide up the high-frequency band (usually around 10 kHz) by about +1 or +2 dB. This will bring out the crispness in cymbals, hi-hats, and other high-frequency elements in your music, giving them that extra shine.

Step 5: Personal Touch 

Feel free to experiment and adjust the EQ settings to suit your personal preferences. If you prefer more bass, go ahead and give it a little more punch. If you like a more balanced sound, you can adjust the sliders accordingly. The key is to play around with the settings until you find your perfect blend.

Step 6: Save and Rock On 

Once you’re satisfied with your EQ settings, make sure to save them so you can easily switch back to them whenever you want. Simply click on the “Save” button in the iCUE software and give your EQ profile a catchy name like “Groovy Tunes” or “Music Maestro.” Now you’re all set to rock on with your optimized EQ settings and immerse yourself in your favorite tracks like never before!

Best Corsair Virtuoso EQ Settings for PS5

Step 1: Getting Game Ready 

Connect your Corsair Virtuoso headset to your PS5 using the wireless dongle or the USB-C cable. Once you’re all hooked up, turn on your PS5 and launch your favorite game. Now you’re ready to rock and roll!

Step 2: Launching the iCUE Software 

Next, let’s launch the Corsair iCUE software on your PC or Mac. Don’t worry, you won’t need to be in the software for the entire gaming session, but we’ll need it to adjust the EQ settings. Once you’re in the iCUE dashboard, navigate to the “Equalizer” tab. This is where the magic happens!

Step 3: Customizing the EQ Settings 

Now it’s time to tweak those sliders and find the perfect settings for your gaming sessions. Here’s a suggested starting point:

  • Bass Boost: Slide up the low-frequency band (around 60 Hz) by about +2 or +3 dB. This will add some thump to explosions and rumble effects, making your gaming experience more immersive.
  • Clarity Boost: Slide up the mid-frequency band (around 1 kHz) by about +1 or +2 dB. This will help bring out the details in dialogue and in-game sounds like footsteps and gunshots, making them clearer and more distinct.
  • Highs Boost: Slide up the high-frequency band (around 10 kHz) by about +1 dB. This will add some sparkle to sound effects like gunfire and explosions, making them more pronounced.

Remember, these settings are just a starting point, and you can adjust them as you wish. Feel free to play around with the sliders and find the perfect balance that suits your preferences and the type of games you play.

Step 4: Saving Your Settings 

Once you’re okaay with your EQ settings, make sure to save them in the iCUE software. Click on the “Save” button and give your EQ profile a cool name like “Gamer’s Paradise” or “Audio Master.” This way, you can easily switch back to your customized EQ settings whenever you want without having to readjust them every time you game.

Step 5: Game On! 

Now you’re all set. 

Best Corsair Virtuoso EQ Settings for Valorant

  • Footsteps Frenzy: This setting is perfect for amplifying in-game footsteps, which can be a game-changer in Valorant where sound cues are crucial for positioning and situational awareness. Boost the higher frequencies to enhance the clarity of footstep sounds, and tone down the bass a bit to avoid muddiness.
  • Explosive Action: If you’re all about that explosive action in Valorant, this EQ setting is for you. Pump up the bass to feel the rumble of grenades and explosions, while still maintaining clear mid-range and treble for gunshots and voice comms.
  • Tactical Awareness: For those who prioritize communication and teamwork in Valorant, this setting is designed to optimize voice comms. Boost the mid-range frequencies to make speech more prominent, and keep the bass and treble balanced to avoid overpowering other sounds.
  • Immersive Experience: If you’re looking for an immersive gaming experience with rich audio, this EQ setting is your best pick. Enhance both the bass and treble for a more dynamic soundstage, perfect for getting fully absorbed in the game’s audio ambiance and soundtrack.

Best Corsair Virtuoso EQ Settings for CSGO

  • Pinpoint Precision: This setting is all about enhancing audio cues for precise positioning. Boost the higher frequencies to make footsteps and gunshots crystal clear, while keeping the bass and mid-range balanced for a clean, detailed sound. This will help you pinpoint the location of enemies with ease, giving you a competitive edge on the battlefield.
  • Explosive Impact: If you love the thrill of explosions and heavy gunfire in CS:GO, this EQ setting is a great pick. Pump up the bass to feel the impact of grenades and explosions, while still maintaining clear treble for crisp gunshots and footsteps. You’ll feel like you’re right in the middle of the action with this immersive setting.
  • Communication Master: Communication is key in CS:GO, and this setting is designed to optimize voice comms. Boost the mid-range frequencies, but keep the bass and treble in check to make speech prominent Your teammates’ voices will come through loud and clear, helping you coordinate strategies and dominate the competition.


  • Lawrence Munson

    I'm Lawrence Munson, a tech blogger and audio enthusiast. is where I share my thoughts and findings on the latest audio gear such as earphones, soundbars, subwoofers, equalizers, etc. I love to test new products to help my readers understand and enjoy their devices better, and I'm always eager to share my knowledge about audio technology and how it works.