Razer Nari Mic Not Working: Causes & Fixes

Are you experiencing problems with your Razer Nari microphone not working? There can be many reasons why your microphone may not be functioning properly and fortunately, there are also many fixes to apply. 

In this article, we will guide you through the potential causes of this issue and provide steps on how to resolve them and get your Razer Nari Mic working again.

razer nari mic not working

Razer Nari Mic Not Working: Likely Causes 

  • Audio Settings: Having incorrect audio settings are one of the most common causes of microphone issues with the Razer Nari. If your audio settings are not properly configured, the microphone may not work as expected. 
  • Software Issues: Software-related issues are the next most common issues that could be cause the microphone problems. If the software you are using to record audio or communicate with others is outdated or not functioning properly, it can cause issues with your microphone.
  • Physical Damage: Physical damage to your Razer Nari headphones can also cause microphone issues. If you have dropped your headphones or used them aggressively, it is possible that the microphone may not work properly. 
  • Loose Connections: Though you shouldn’t have a problem noticing this one your own, but loose connections can also be a potential cause of microphone issues. You will need a secure connection between your headphones and the device you are using to get the microphone to work.
  • Driver Issues: The drivers for your Razer Nari headphones are the next culprits to consider when you’re having microphone problems. If the drivers are not up to date or installed correctly, it can cause issues with your microphone. 
  • Hardware Compatibility: In some cases, the hardware you are using may not be compatible with your Razer Nari headphones. This can cause issues with your microphone. 
  • Electrical Interference: Electrical interference are not very common but they can also be a potential cause of microphone problems with your Razer Nari, so you shouldn’t rule them out. If there are other electronic devices nearby that are causing interference, it can affect the functionality of your microphone. This can easily be resolved by getting rid of the other electronic devices causing the interference issues.
  • System Settings: Last but not least, but also super rate is having incorrect system settings on your device. This can also cause microphone problems, but you shouldn’t bet on that. However, if your device is not configured properly, your microphone would not be able to work properly. 

Razer Nari Mic Not Working: Fixes

1. Audio Settings

The first place to get started when troubleshooting microphone issues on your Razer Nari is the audio settings. To properly configure your audio settings, apply these steps:

  • Open your computer’s control panel or settings menu.
  • Select “Sound” or “Audio” settings.
  • Check that your Razer Nari headphones are selected as the default playback and recording device.
  • Adjust the volume and input levels as needed.

2. Software Issues

Outdated software should not be ruled out, especially if you have not updated the software in a while. You might also want to consider that the software could be malfunctioning. Regardless, you can clear software issues with the steps below

  • Check that the software you are using is up to date.
  • Restart the software and try again.
  • Uninstall and reinstall the software if needed.

3. Physical Damage

Physical damage to your Razer Nari headphones poses a more serious problem. If there are any signs of physical damage, you might not be able to get your warranty and you might have to replace the headset altogether. To access for physical damage;

  • Check for any visible damage to the headphones.
  • If there is visible damage, contact Razer customer support for repair or replacement options.

4. Loose Connections

A secure connection is required between your headphones and the device you are using to get the microphone to work properly. You can check and ensure that the connections are secure by using the steps below:

  • Check that the headphones are properly plugged into the device.
  • Try a different USB port or connection type.
  • If using wireless headphones, try re-pairing the headphones with the device.

5. Driver Issues

Driver-related issues usually indicate that the drivers for your Razer Nari headphones are not up to date or installed correctly. If so, you would have to update them or reinstall them to get the microphone to work properly. To fix the driver issues, you should;

  • Check that the drivers for your headphones are up to date.
  • Uninstall and reinstall the drivers if needed.
  • Try using the headphones on a different device to see if the issue persists.

6. Hardware Compatibility

In some cases, the hardware you are using may not be compatible with your Razer Nari headphones. This is an easy fix, though it could mean that you would have to purchase new hardware that is compatible with the headphones. To check for hardware compatibility, apply these steps;

  • Check that your hardware is compatible with your headphones.
  • Try using the headphones on a different device to see if the issue persists.
  • Contact Razer customer support to help out if you’re not able to confirm that your hardware is compatible. 

7. Electrical Interference

If you’re in an area with other electronic devices, they could interfere with the connectivity of the microphone, which will affect its functionality. To resolve this;

  • Move any electronic devices that may be causing interference away from the headphones.
  • Try using the headphones in a different location.
  • Consider using a different type of connection (e.g. wired vs. wireless). You might want to switch to wired to completely resolve the issue. 

8. System Settings

Finally, you would want to check the system settings on your device to ensure there are properly configured. To do this;

  • Check that your system settings are properly configured.
  • Adjust settings such as microphone input levels or default recording devices as needed.
  • Restart your device and try again.


  • Lawrence Munson

    I'm Lawrence Munson, a tech blogger and audio enthusiast. AudioJust.com is where I share my thoughts and findings on the latest audio gear such as earphones, soundbars, subwoofers, equalizers, etc. I love to test new products to help my readers understand and enjoy their devices better, and I'm always eager to share my knowledge about audio technology and how it works.