Turtle Beach Headset Mic Not Working: Causes & Fixes

Turtle Beach is one of those options on the market that you can never go wrong with. The brand produces high-quality gaming headsets with excellent features.

However, issues like a malfunctioning Turtle Beach headset mic that fails to capture your voice is a common issue and you may want to resolve the problem as soon as possible. 

Our article goes into the possible causes and fixes for this issue in-depth, providing you with the necessary information to get your mic working again.

turtle beach headset mic not working

Turtle Beach Headset Mic Not Working: Likely Causes

First, let’s examine some of the common reasons why the mic on your Turtle Beach headset may not be working.

  • Loose Connection: One of the main causes of a non-working Turtle Beach headset mic is a loose connection. When the headset is not properly connected to your device or if there is a damaged cabled, you will notice that the mic will not work.
  • Volume Settings: The device’s volume may another reason why the mic may not be working. It is possible that the microphone is muted or the volume is too low. If so, this can cause the mic to stop working.
  • Damaged Mic: If your Turtle Beach headset’s mic is not working, it could be due to physical damage. If the mic has been damaged, you will have to repair or replace it.
  • Software Issues: Software issues can also cause the mic on your Turtle Beach headset to stop working. Chances are you’re dealing with software that is outdated, incompatible, or has been corrupted. In any case, this can prevent the mic from functioning correctly.

Turtle Beach Headset Mic Not Working: DIY Fixes

Now that you know the possible causes, let’s look at some of the fixes.

Check the Connection

You should start by checking this connection, as this is the most popular fix for a Turtle Beach headset mic THAT is not working. Check to see that the headset is correctly connected to your device, and the cable is not damaged. If you find any faults in the cable, it may need to be replaced.

To check the connection, you should; 

  • Unplug the headset cable from your device’s audio jack and inspect it for any visible physical damage.
  • Plug the cable back in and ensure that it is properly inserted into the audio jack.
  • Wiggle the cable gently to ensure that it is securely connected.
  • If the cable is damaged, you may need to replace it.

Check the Volume Settings

The next fix to apply in case the connection is in proper condition is to check the volume settings on your device. Ensure that the microphone is not muted and that the volume is not too low. 

To check the volume settings, follow the steps;

  • Click on the sound icon in your taskbar and select “Open Sound settings.”
  • Under the “Input” section, locate your Turtle Beach headset and ensure that it is selected as the input device.
  • Check the microphone volume level and ensure that it is not muted or set too low.
  • Test the microphone by speaking into it and checking the input level.

Try a Different Device

If you’re still struggling with getting your Turtle Beach headset mic to work, you may want to try connecting it to a different device to see if the issue persists. To do this;

  • Disconnect the headset from your current device and connect it to a different device, such as a smartphone or laptop.
  • Test the microphone on the different device and check if it works.
  • If the microphone works fine on the different device, the issue may be with your original device.

Update Your Software

Another potential fix is to update your device’s software, including any drivers or firmware for your Turtle Beach headset.

  • Go to the manufacturer’s website and locate the latest drivers for your headset.
  • Download and install the latest drivers onto your device.
  • Restart your device and test the microphone to check if it is working correctly.

Replace the Mic

If none of the above fixes work, it may be time to replace the mic.

  • Contact the manufacturer or a professional repair service to help out
  • If your headset is under warranty, you may be able to get a free replacement.
  • Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer or repair service to replace the mic.

Additional Tips to Ensure the Proper Functioning of Your Turtle Beach Headset Mic

Use the Correct Audio Jack

  • Refer to your device manual to determine which audio jack to use for your headset.
  • Ensure that you are using the correct audio jack to prevent any issues.

Clean Your Mic

Regularly clean your mic to ensure that it is free of particles like dust and debris. This can help prevent physical damage and ensure proper functioning.

  • Use a soft-bristled brush or a microfiber cloth to clean the microphone.
  • Gently brush away any dust or debris that may have accumulated on the mic.

Avoid Physical Damage

  • Handle your headset with care and avoid dropping or mishandling it.
  • Store the headset in a safe place when not in use to prevent physical damage that may cause the mic to stop working.

Use the Correct Settings

  • Check the settings on the software you are using with your headset, such as a game or communication software.
  • Ensure that the microphone input is set to the Turtle Beach headset.

Check for Interference

  • Ensure that there are no other devices near your headset that may cause interference, such as a microwave or another electronic device.
  • Interference can cause the mic to malfunction or stop working.

Final Thoughts

When you apply these steps, you can resolve the issues with your Turtle Beach headset mic. You can start from the most obvious by checking the connection, all the way to the last fix which is replacing the mic.

However, if you’re still not able to get the mic to work, then you would have to contact the manufacturer or consider purchasing a replacement headset. Remember to take proper care of your headset and avoid mishandling it to prevent future issues.


  • Lawrence Munson

    I'm Lawrence Munson, a tech blogger and audio enthusiast. AudioJust.com is where I share my thoughts and findings on the latest audio gear such as earphones, soundbars, subwoofers, equalizers, etc. I love to test new products to help my readers understand and enjoy their devices better, and I'm always eager to share my knowledge about audio technology and how it works.