Razer Nari Essential Mic Not Working [FIXED]

The Razer Nari Essential is a budget headset in Razer’s long product line of gaming accessories. Being equipped with the TriForce 40mm and boasting 16 hours of battery life on high performance, it’s a great deal for anyone looking to get a headset under $200.

Despite a lot of praise, it has been receiving from users, some sections often complain about not being able to use the mic on the headset.

In this article, we will discuss some of the things that may cause this issue, and also, how to fix them. If you’re not able to get your Nari Essential mic to work, you want to continue reading.

razer nari essential mic not working

Razer Nari Essential Mic Not Working: Possible Causes

Several reasons may prevent your Nari Essential mic from working; some can be responsible from the first day of usage, and others are what you might encounter after a while. Whichever is the case, we’ll consider it in subsequent writing.

  • Incorrect Microphone or Sound Configuration

This is often always the case when you’ve just got your headset, or just installed the program you want to use it with. It also happens if you’ve never been able to use the microphone feature of your PC since you got it.

To solve it, you’ll want to make some adjustments to the microphone and sound settings on your system so it can be compatible with external mics.

  • Incorrect Razer Synapse Configuration

On the first connection of your Nari Essential headset, you’ll have the software automatically installed which will handle the specific settings for the headset.

Ideally, this software is set to operate with system configurations, as such, it may not work if you make changes to your microphone or sound configuration. In addition, the problem can arise from here when you’re always using multiple headsets (of different brands) on your PC.

  • Your Microphone is Being Used by Another Program

This situation is quite common with people who minimize communication apps while looking to work with others. Say you’re in a Zoom meeting, and you won’t be able to use your mic on another app – say Discord for example.

  • Faulty Headset Hardware 

In truth, this should be the least of your problem especially if you’ve just got the device. The Nari Essential headset comes with a detachable mic, as such, it can easily get damaged if not handled properly. While that’s the case, you also want to make sure that you didn’t turn on the mute button on the left ear cup.

Razer Nari Essential Mic Not Working: How to Fix

There are only so many ways you can fix your headset if it’s having a mic problem; you just want to make sure it’s not a hardware-related issue as those are pretty challenging to handle.

  • Make Sure Microphone and Sound Configurations are Correct

If you notice that you’ve never been able to use an external mic on your PC, then this is the solution that you’ll want to always consider before anything else. First, you want to navigate through to Start >> Settings >> Privacy >> Microphone, and there ensure that “Allow microphone access on this device” and “Allow apps access microphone on this device” are both turned on.

Next, you want to scroll down to the list of allowed apps to make sure that your choice app(s) are allowed as well. If you can’t find a particular software in the list, then know it’s been automatically allowed by the system.

To correctly configure the sound settings on your PC, you’ll need to locate the sound settings within the control panel. Simply click on the start button, and search for “Control Panel.” In the control panel, search for “Sounds” and click on “Manage audio devices.”

Next, you want to navigate to the “Recordings” tab and make your headset the default recording device. In a case where you can’t find it as an available option, right-click and show hidden devices.

  • Make Sure that Razer Synapse Is Configured Correctly

This is often the problem if you used to use your headset’s mic before, but it suddenly stopped after a Windows update. First, you want to launch your Razer Synapse 3, then navigate through to AUDIO >> MIC >> and make sure it’s toggled on, and the volume is extended to 100. Next, ensure that MIC SENSITIVITY is toggled on as well. 

Of course, you want to also make sure that other settings like sidetone and enhancements are set to 50 and ambient noise reduction to 60 respectively. Then finally, adjust the Game/Chat balance and test the mic. If after all these and the problem persists, you may need to completely uninstall the app.

  • Talk to a Customer Care Representative

This should always be your last resort especially if you’ve been able to tell that your issue might be a hardware problem – it should be used if you’ve just got your headset. The Nari Essential headset comes with a 2-year warranty provided you don’t violate any T&C.


  • Lawrence Munson

    I'm Lawrence Munson, a tech blogger and audio enthusiast. AudioJust.com is where I share my thoughts and findings on the latest audio gear such as earphones, soundbars, subwoofers, equalizers, etc. I love to test new products to help my readers understand and enjoy their devices better, and I'm always eager to share my knowledge about audio technology and how it works.