Samsung Soundbar TV ARC No Sound: How to Fix

If you have a Samsung soundbar and TV that are connected through ARC, but you are experiencing no sound coming from the soundbar, there could be a few possible causes and solutions to fix this issue.

In this guide, we will go through various troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the no-sound issue on your Samsung soundbar TV ARC setup.

Samsung Soundbar TV ARC No Sound: How to Fix

samsung soundbar tv arc no sound

1. Check the TV and Soundbar Connections

The first thing to check is the connections between your TV and the soundbar. Make sure that the HDMI cables are securely plugged in at both ends and that they are not damaged. Also, ensure that the TV and soundbar are turned on and set to the correct input/output sources.

2. Check the TV and Soundbar Settings

Next, you will want to check the settings on your TV and soundbar to make sure they are correctly configured for ARC. On your TV, go to the audio settings and select the “Audio Output” option. From here, you should see an option to “Enable ARC,” which should be turned on.

On your soundbar, check the audio settings and ensure that the “ARC” option is turned on. Some soundbars may also have a “TV” or “HDMI” input that needs to be selected in order for the ARC connection to work.

3. Check the HDMI-ARC Compatibility

If you have checked the connections and settings and are still experiencing no sound, it could be an issue with the HDMI-ARC compatibility between your TV and your soundbar. Some older TVs and soundbars may not support HDMI-ARC, or there may be a compatibility issue with your specific models.

To check if your TV and soundbar support HDMI-ARC, refer to the user manuals or visit the manufacturer’s website for more information. If your TV and soundbar do support HDMI-ARC but you are still experiencing issues, you may need to try using a different HDMI cable or updating the firmware on your devices.

4. Check the Soundbar Audio Output

If the no sound issue is still unresolved, it could be a problem with the audio output on the soundbar itself. Try testing the soundbar with a different audio source, such as a CD player or phone, to see if the issue is with the soundbar or the ARC connection.

If the soundbar is producing sound when connected to a different audio source, it is likely an issue with the ARC connection. However, if the soundbar is not producing any sound at all, there could be a problem with the soundbar itself and you may need to contact the manufacturer for assistance.

5. Check the TV Speaker Output

If you have tried all of the above steps and are still experiencing no sound from your Samsung soundbar TV ARC, it is possible that the issue is with the TV’s speaker output. Some TVs have the option to turn off the internal speakers in favor of an external audio source, such as a soundbar or home theater system.

To check if this is the case, go to the audio settings on your TV and look for an option to “Turn Off TV Speakers.” If this option is turned on, try turning it off and see if the sound from your soundbar improves.

6. Check the Soundbar Power Supply

It is also possible that there is a problem with the soundbar’s power supply. Make sure that the soundbar is plugged in and that the outlet is working properly. If the soundbar is plugged in but still not producing any sound, you may need to try a different outlet or power strip.

If you have tried different outlets and power strips and the soundbar is still not working, it is possible that there is an issue with the power supply or the soundbar itself. In this case, you may need to contact the manufacturer for further assistance.

7. Check for Firmware Updates

Firmware updates are also a thing to consider. Chances are a firmware update is required to fix the issue. Firmware updates can fix a variety of issues, including connectivity problems and audio output issues.

To check for a firmware update, visit the manufacturer’s website and search for your specific model number. Look for any available updates and follow the instructions provided to download and install the update. Once the update is installed, try connecting your TV and soundbar again to see if the no-sound issue has been resolved.

8. Check for Any Interference

Another thing to take note of is interference, which is a common issue with wireless connections. If you’re still experiencing issues with the sound, it could be that there is interference causing the issue. Interference can come from a variety of sources, including other electronic devices or even construction work in your area.

To check for interference, try unplugging all other electronic devices in the room and see if the sound from your soundbar improves. If the issue is resolved, slowly plug in each device one at a time and see if the sound is affected when a particular device is turned on. If you find that a specific device is causing the interference, try moving it further away from the TV and soundbar or using a different outlet.

9. Contact the Manufacturer

If you have tried all of the above steps and are still experiencing no sound from your Samsung soundbar TV ARC, it may be necessary to contact the manufacturer for further assistance. The manufacturer may be able to provide additional troubleshooting steps or may need to repair or replace the soundbar or TV.


If your Samsung soundbar TV ARC has no sound, there could be a variety of causes and solutions. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to fix the issue and restore sound to your soundbar.

If you are unable to fix the problem after trying all of the steps outlined above, it may be necessary to contact the manufacturer for further assistance.


  • Lawrence Munson

    I'm Lawrence Munson, a tech blogger and audio enthusiast. is where I share my thoughts and findings on the latest audio gear such as earphones, soundbars, subwoofers, equalizers, etc. I love to test new products to help my readers understand and enjoy their devices better, and I'm always eager to share my knowledge about audio technology and how it works.